About Us :: Our Story

Our Story

We were dismayed with how search engines were tracking users, and thereby violating user privacy for their corporate bottom line (greed): to maximize their capital return for their owners, shareholders, and stockholders. Not right! We created and developed Magelln to return privacy to the hands of users who use our services to search the web, and discover the world. Searching the way it should be. Not seeing our users (partners) as bank machines with dollar signs in our eyes and pocketbooks. Allowing our users to search privately.

More about how we will protect your privacy can be discovered in our FAQ.

DJ Abrams
DJ Abrams
Magelln Founder and CEO

Our Maggie

Little about Maggie, the Penguin Mascot of Magelln Maggie is our mascot, a Magellanic penguin from the southern tip of South America. From her home, she overlooks the Strait of Magellan (or as she calls it, Estrecho de Magallanes).

Why a Magellanic penguin? Because we are Magelln, named in honor of Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer and navigator, who circumnavigated the globe. Magellan, in a sense, was the first worldwide surfer. Just as he discovered, searched, and mapped the world for others, we are doing the same in the digital age nearly six hundred years later.

Therefore, we put out a casting call for mascots. Maggie was one the first to walk though our doors to audition. We were enthralled by her presence and wry sense of humor. Completely unscripted. For example, we asked Maggie what brought her here, to which she replied, "I just flew into town, and boy are my arms tired! Seriously, a 747. I'm a flightless bird, you know." We quickly and unanimously selected Maggie as our mascot. And, we haven't looked back. Here is a little about Maggie from Maggie herself:


Name: Maggie. I was named by my parents in honor of Ferdinand Magellan. They dropped the second 'A'. Why? They didn't want people to confuse me with a bearded man in a dress wearing stockings. Could have been worse, They could have named me Ferdinand! Or, Ferdifsandbuts.

Age: Don't know. Penguins are notoriously bad at keeping track of time or following calendars. For that reason, we are usually tardy, if we show up at all.

Height: 28 inches tall. 32 inches in heels. Wanna make something of it!

Weight: 12.5 pounds. I'm a real size zero, girls!

Favorite Foods: Cuttlefish, squid, krill, and other crustaceans. Or at least, that is what the marine biologists will tell you. Personally, I prefer pasta dishes, with a love for lasagna.

Favorite TV Shows: Any show which features one or more penguins as the lead characters. So, none - yet!

Favorite Movies: March of the Penguins for one. Although that movie features emperor penguins, and as everyone knows, they are so full of themselves. Another is Penguins of Madagascar. However, those penguins hail from another continent - and they rarely reply to our emails or text messages. Finally, any movie featuring Daniel Craig as he looks so damn good in a tux!

Favorite Song: I'm a Little Penguin (in the tune of 'I'm a Little Teapot'):

I'm a little penguin
Black and white.
Stout and fluffy
What a sight!

I can't fly
but I love to swim.
So I'll waddle to the water
and dive right in!

Pet Peeve: Being pushed over. Come on guys, we all have seen enough video of penguins being pushed over, and taking forever to right ourselves.

That's all for now. It's difficult and tedious to type with wings. Besides, time to dive in . . . to some lasagna.

Magelln Mascot and CEP (Chief Executive Penguin) and future CEC (Chief Executive Crawler)
Not a Founder, but love flounders. Tasty, yum.

And, before we forget, Maggie will be our official web crawler when we launch our in-house search engine. Maggie is expected to add 3-5 billion pages every month. We will initially start with 250 billion pages. Maggie will be very busy 24-365, but still always available to her fans.

Last Revised: 2024-12-21 06:34:21 GMT